+ Guardian of the Forest
+ D.O.B. unknown, though she is a Leo
+ 6'3
+ Slender, muscular build
+ Her father died at the hands of her uncle
+ Her uncle, Miraku, natural wolf, leads a packof demon wolves
+ Her mother is a black lion
+ She has wings both in her natural form and human form, and in human form she doesn't always have her angel wings.
+ In her natural form, she has blue markings over her entire body, and she has a long tail, big ears, white patch of fur around her neck and tummy area, when in feline form.
+ Her human form has a smaller frame, not so muscular, and looks weak, though it isn't and her blue markings are still there. She usu wears a light blue almost sheer gown halfway down to her thigh.
+ Water form is reminiscent of a mermaid, or sea nymph.
+ She doesn't put up with attitudes, though she has one of her own, and she never puts up with crap from anyone, not demons or even other angels. She's very good at protecting the forest and can protect it when she's not even there, though she rarely leaves the forest. She loves to meet new people, and is very caring about what she protects. Though she is pacifist, she can fight, and will certainly give anyone a run for their money. Including demons, and any other creatures, especially threatening her forest. She does have magick and uses it willingly, since she is pacifist and hates to fight with her sword at all.
anyways, thas about it. leave me a comment or start an rp with her, i'll respond back quickly.