In this world of conformity and difference, I stand alone. I love nearly anyone who crosses my path. And because of this, I've hurt the ones who matter most and I've been hurt by loving too much. I feel that it is my place in this world that I must make anyone and everyone I know, happy. I've still not truly realized that I can't do that. Only the powers that be can actually accomplish that. But, what if I try? Why can't I try? Because too many people don't understand me. I'm not just saying that. How many people actually go thru life wanting to love everyone? Not many. But, I do. I have a desire and a need to try and make everyone happy but I have to realize that I am no deity. As far as I feel I've ascended, it's not quite high enough. I'm not intended to go that high. I'm unfortunately human. I feel free yet restricted by this state of being. I am free from humanity because I love
freely. Yet I am restricted because I am only human. So, what am I?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I live in Jacksonville, FL. I go to a predominately black school on the south side of town. I've noticed today, being election day that students are more politically active than ever. Now, statistics show that African Americans usually vote Democratic. Not that it's set in stone. BUT, I want to know if the support for Barack Obama is because the majority of my school is black and simply voting for him because he's black OR because he is the democratic candidate. Personally, I'd vote McCain, but I'm only 17 this year. I personally don't like Palin or Obama but I'd rather a republican in office. This isn't a matter of who's going to win. It's a matter of WHY. Why are all the polls of the younger generation pointing to "CHANGE"? Why is our generation so against tradition? It's not Bush's fault we're in this mess. It's our own fault. Why blame someone for our faults? Why can't we fix it
*otaku doll*
*otaku doll*
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Even if these roses are dying, they are still extremely beautiful. :-) I just thought I'd share.
*otaku doll*
*otaku doll*
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Concert Last Night
So guys I went to a local concert last night tha rocked the Landing. :-) It was the lyons playing and I love mike, John, and Pete! Thanks Mom for letting me stay out till 1 a.m :-) it was soo much fun. Mehbe once I get a computer I'll upload some videos of me dancing like a fool. Tho I did catch some eyes on the dance floor. But I really don't care because I've got Gabe back in my life. For good I hope. :-) Alright my ppl, show some love and leave me a comment! I love you guys!
*otaku doll*
*otaku doll*
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hey, guys I'm mobile blogging like crazy so now you're going to get alot more posts from me. :) leave me a message or email me and you might just get my number for a more personal connection to your truly :) hope to hear from you soon :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
RPG: Leona

+ Guardian of the Forest
+ D.O.B. unknown, though she is a Leo
+ 6'3
+ Slender, muscular build
+ Her father died at the hands of her uncle
+ Her uncle, Miraku, natural wolf, leads a packof demon wolves
+ Her mother is a black lion
+ She has wings both in her natural form and human form, and in human form she doesn't always have her angel wings.
+ In her natural form, she has blue markings over her entire body, and she has a long tail, big ears, white patch of fur around her neck and tummy area, when in feline form.
+ Her human form has a smaller frame, not so muscular, and looks weak, though it isn't and her blue markings are still there. She usu wears a light blue almost sheer gown halfway down to her thigh.
+ Water form is reminiscent of a mermaid, or sea nymph.
+ She doesn't put up with attitudes, though she has one of her own, and she never puts up with crap from anyone, not demons or even other angels. She's very good at protecting the forest and can protect it when she's not even there, though she rarely leaves the forest. She loves to meet new people, and is very caring about what she protects. Though she is pacifist, she can fight, and will certainly give anyone a run for their money. Including demons, and any other creatures, especially threatening her forest. She does have magick and uses it willingly, since she is pacifist and hates to fight with her sword at all.
anyways, thas about it. leave me a comment or start an rp with her, i'll respond back quickly.
Friday, June 20, 2008
I've spent two weeks in Ron Jon Resort in Cocoa Beach with 3 people. One, my best friend Lizzie, who invited me to come along, April, a crazy Dominicana who loves to have fun, and David, Lizzie's boyfriend. We stayed with Lizzie's grandparents, who were soo sweet and just soo kind for allowing me to stay with them. We're leaving in the morning, around 10 a.m., and and I actually can't wait to go home. I can't wait to see my family, my friends, my room, and my wonderful boyfriend. Jacksonville just looks really nice right now. I love my city, it's gorgeous. Especially at night. So, hit me up if anyone's ever been to Cocoa Beach, FL or even my hometown of Jacksonville, FL. Leave me a message. My next post will be from Jax, so, talk to you guys later.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sooo, I gotta question
Is it ok for fat/overweight people to wear bikinis? I am 5'3 at about 230lbs. I've been wearing a bikini for the past few days while I'm in Cocoa Beach on vacation. The thing is, whike I feel ok most of the time, sometimes, I feel like a damn cow in it, simply because all the skinny chicks with ribs and hip bones that are poking out are wearing next to nothing. The majority of my friends say that I look fine, and that I should stop worrying. Only a few of my friends have seen this particular piece of swimwear on me, and I'm getting good review. But, I just don't know, it kind of feels like the world is laughing at me for trying to feel a little bit better about myself. Anyway, just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you. Adios por ahora.... Bye for now.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
i'm soo posting in my fave color...
ok...alot has changed w/ me as a person, and physically and mentally. this coming year i will be a senior in high school...i really can't believe i made it this far, but hey, i did it, and i've risen from a meager first sergeant to the third in command...i'm a better person than i was, i'm still a bitch, and not afraid of it, but, i've learned to embrace most of my flaws and be proud of who i am, including my nasty lil temper, i used to be real bad at snapping ppls heads off, but i've learned to take a chill pill, and use it aggressively in a different manner, in more constructive outlets. i'm proud of who i've become, and so should my mom, but, idk...hopefully... if you want to talk, or jus keep in touch, my email address is or and if u email me there i'll even give you my cell number if you want, if your in the u.s.a. i trust ppl, and hey, everyone's cool with, just hit me up, or even add me on myspace, kk? talk to you folks later...tho it seems like i'm talking to only myself sometimes....
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Bringing in 2008!
Ok, new year, new position, in AJROTC, YAY! I'm the C/CSM! HooAH! I worked my butt off for this. It's an early gift from my uppers. :) yea! It's definitely rough though. Fun, totally. Oh well, it's great! SO, I guess I'll catch you later. :) Keep blogging!
Monday, January 14, 2008
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